Saturday, December 13, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Synthetic diamonds

Synthetic diamonds may be manmade, but our jewelry can match the brilliance of any others on the market. Using only the finest quality of synthetic diamonds, out stones can fool the naked eye of even expert jewelers.
source: http://www.orleansjewels.com/fake_diamond_rings.htmlSynthetic diamonds jewelry
Friday, September 19, 2008
HRD D-Screen Synthetic Diamond Tester - synthetic diamond jewelry
Standard thermal conductivity "diamond testers" used by nearly every jewelry appraiser and gemologist do not work on synthetic diamonds. The HRD D-Screen is the only commercially available machine that can test for HPHT/CVD synthetic diamonds and color treated diamonds. Very few gemologists have this extremely important piece of equipment. David has detected several synthetic diamonds that were appraised as "real" by other gemologists.
source: http://www.jewelrybuyersandappraisals.com/independent_lab.html
synthetic diamond jewelry
Monday, September 15, 2008
Synthetic Diamond Grit & Powder

Synthetic Diamond Grit & Powder
Saw Grade Quality Grit
- DSG Series
DIDCO DSG series saw grit represent our top quality and strongest diamond grit. This diamond grit is manufactured using the latest state of the art technology. Most diamond crystals are cubo-octahedral in shape and free of visible inclusions. Very high strength and superior thermal stability make our DSG series diamond grit suitable for a wide range of sawing and drilling applications.
Grinding Quality Grit
- DMG Series: Grinding Grit
The synthesis process of our DMG series is similar to that of our DSG series. All DMGDMG-480 quality can be also used for vitreous bond tools.
series grades are designed for use in metal bond tools. The economical - DEG Series: Grinding Grit
DEG series grinding grit is treated saw grit and DMG series grinding grit. Generally, DEG
series grit is similar to its base products with very low levels of metal inclusion and is specially designed for manufacturing electroplated diamond tools. - DRS, DRX, DRV and DRV-G: Grinding Grit
DIDCO’s synthetic resin bond diamond powder consists of four products: DRS, DRX, DRVDRV-G. All four products are designed for resin and vitreous bond applications. A full line of coated products is also available. and
Synthetic Diamond Micron Powder
- Dm-RB for Resin Bond Systems
- Dm-MB for Metal Bond Systems
source: http://www.didco.com/products/synthetic.asp
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Yellow synthetic diamond

Yellow synthetic diamond
A yellow synthetic diamond spectrum obtained through 5 mm thick plate. This diamond is Ib type and its color is related with C-centers absorption.
source: http://www.octonus.com/oct/projects/adsorbtion_spectra.phtml
synthetic diamond jewelry
Friday, August 29, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry -Synthetic Diamond Abrasives

Diamond grit for extremely high demands. Blocky, very uniformly cubo-octahedral shaped diamond crystals with extremely high toughness & thermal stability
source: http://www.dev-group.com/products/synthetic-diamonds.htm
synthetic diamond jewelry
Sunday, August 24, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
Crystal Features
SMD are prefect crystals with high strength and high toughness.
It is used in sawing, cutting ,drilling and dressing tools.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
Crystal Features
MBD8 diamond contains perfect crystals with smooth surfaces. And very high compressive strengths.
MBD8 is ideal for bits, dressing tools and saws.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.forsun-tools.com/english/diamond_eg.htm
Saturday, August 16, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry

Particularly suit for mining bits used in hardest strata for dressing tools and saws.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.forsun-tools.com/english/diamond_eg.htm
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
Crystal Features
MBD4 contains more perfect crystals with smooth surfaces. And high compressive strength.
Suitable for manufacture of metal bond products for grinding, sawing and drilling cement products, glass, refractories and other nonmetallic materials.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.forsun-tools.com/english/diamond_eg.htm
Monday, August 11, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
Synthetic diamond brand and applications
Crystal Features
With ratio of major axis and minor axis not more than 1.5, most crystals are irregular, with rough surfaces.
Recommended in manufacture of metal bond products for grinding carbides and other nonmetallic materials.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.forsun-tools.com/english/diamond_eg.htm
Sunday, August 10, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
In some crystals defects can be mapped by cathodoluminescence topographs. These record the patterns of ultraviolet, visible or infrared emissions stimulated by impact of an electron beam. Such emissions depend sensitively upon the identity and local bonding of impurity atoms in the specimen. Synthetic diamonds produce colourful patterns, as shown.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.phy.bris.ac.uk/people/lang_ar/index.html
Saturday, August 9, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry

Treatments and synthetics
Fracture filling of cracks and removal of inclusions. Surface cracks fractures and cleavages reaching the surface can be filled with a glass-like material with similar RI.. Identification: when examined with an optical microscope, filled stones will show: greasy appearance, flash effects, bubbles.
Problem: Filling does not always resist polishing, heating, cleaning, age wear and tare Drilling of inclusions involves using a laser to drill into the inclusion. Solutions can be poured into the resulting "hair-width" diameter hole to bleach colored inclusions. This is compared to getting a filling in your tooth.
Irradiation is used to change the color of the diamond. A common color produced by irradiation are greens yellow and blues, usually very intense and not natural looking.
Synthetic diamonds are often yellowish in color (rarely used for gem purposes, more commonly used as diamond grit for industrial purposes. Modern synthesis of thin film diamond has other industrial applications).
A 5 mm diamond (0.5 carat) takes over a week to grow. Synthesis requires:
- high pressure
- high temperature
- a special apparatus
Synthetic diamonds can sometimes be distinguished from natural diamonds by the presence of flux inclusions (Ni, Al or Fe).
Simulants - That try to simulate the appearance of diamond
The distinction between a synthetic diamond (man-made diamond consisting of carbon atoms arranged in the typical diamond structure) and a diamond simulant (not a carbon compound with the diamond structure) is very important!
In order of increasing R.I., the most common simulates are:
- YAG = yttrium aluminum garnet
- GGG = gadolinium gallium garnet
- CZ = cubic zirconia
- Strontium titanate
- Diamond.
Another diamond stimulant is synthetic moissanite (Silicon carbide or carborundum) it was introduced to the jewelry market in 1998 it is one of the better simulates to date, but displays double refraction and may turn yellow under the heat of a low flame.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.pink-diamonds.com.au/text.php?id=jewelry_diamonds_facts
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry

(Synthetic Single Crystal Diamond)
The Sumicrystal, through Sumitomo Electric's original ultra-high pressure technology, became the world's first commercially available large crystal synthetic diamond. Produced in Sumitomo Electric's factory under the most stringent quality control, the Sumicrystal's superior quality, predictable nature and consistent supply truly make it a diamond among diamonds for industrial applications. Sumicrystal are produced in two different variations, Sumicrystal type Ib, and Sumicrystal type IIa.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.sumitomoelectricusa.com/scripts/products/ts/hs_mat6.cfm
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
Crystal Features
The crystals of RVD1 are irregularly flaky and needle-like with rough surfaces.
Recommended in manufacture of resin bond products for carbides and jewel.
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.forsun-tools.com/english/diamond_eg.htm
Monday, August 4, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
A rose-cut synthetic diamond created by Apollo Diamond using a patented chemical vapour deposition process.
synthetic diamond jewelry
Saturday, August 2, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry - synthetic diamond powder
Zhuhai ujin diamond tools co.,ltd.is a professional manufacture of synthetic diamond powder in China, we offer superior quality of synthetic diamond powder at a competitive price, available size: 35/40, 40/45, 45/50, 50/60, 60/70, 70/80, 80/100, 100/120, 120/140, 140/160 etc.
synthetic diamond jewelry
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry

Synthesis (Details on gem synthesis)
Synthetic diamonds are often yellowish in color (rarely used for gem purposes, more commonly used as diamond grit for industrial purposes. Modern synthesis of thin film diamond has other industrial applications).A 5 mm diamond (0.5 carat) takes over a week to grow. Synthesis requires:
- high pressure
- high temperature
- a special apparatus
synthetic diamond jewelry
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
The first synthetic diamonds were produced by General Electric in 1954. A synthetic diamond is basically a rock that has the durability, refractive index and hardness of a natural diamond – but it is made by man. A synthetic diamond should not be confused with stimulant diamonds, such as glass, cubic zirconia, or moissanite.
Although the technology for synthetic diamonds came into play in 1954, no synthetic diamonds were ever seen on the market until the 1990’s. This was due to the fact that it took many years for General Electric to produce a synthetic diamond that could compare with the quality of a natural diamond – and when they figured out how to do it, they found that it cost more to produce a synthetic diamond than it did to mine and cut natural diamonds.
Finally, a small company by the name of Gemesis Corporation figured out a way to produce synthetic diamonds that were of the same quality as natural diamonds, at a cheaper price. Today, Gemesis produces synthetic white diamonds, and colored diamonds as well. These diamonds sell for about 1⁄3 of the cost of a natural diamond, but there is a shortage of them, and they are hard to find. In fact, it seems that synthetic diamonds are rarer than natural diamonds!
synthetic diamond jewelry
source: http://www.fittingjewelry.com/diamonds/17-synthetic-diamonds/#more-17
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Qualities of Synthetic Stones versus Natural - synthetic diamond jewelry
Physically, there are several differences between a synthetic stone and a natural one. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Again, the most ironic difference is that synthetic stones are TOO perfect. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Created expressly for jewelry purposes, their basic shapes are made to fit the type of jewelry they are meant to be set in. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Even their crystal structure is mathematically precise with no deviations whereas a natural gemstone will often have a flaw or two in it's matrice (and if it does not, a perfectly unflawed natural gem's price will be HUGE). (synthetic diamond jewelry) The chemical composition of the gem is likewise pure for synthetic gemstones, whereas natural gemstones may often have trace elements mixed into it. (synthetic diamond jewelry) These small imperfections are how most jewelers tell the difference between a natural and synthetic stone. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Price wise, synthetic gems can offer a person much more beauty and value for their money; natural gemstones of high quality are very rare and thus expensive, whereas the mass produced synthetics are physically the same but cheaper by anything from half to a quarter of the price. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
For long term investment, however, natural gemstones of high quality are a better deal because of their rarity; their value appreciates over time, whereas the price for a synthetic remains constant. (synthetic diamond jewelry) The price may even drop over time, especially for factory-made synthetic gemstones; natural stones and lab grown stones have no physical degradation over time, but factory-made stones, being made in a hurry, are not quite as durable as the real thing. (synthetic diamond jewelry) For this reason, lab-grown synthetic gemstones are becoming more and more popular over quick factory machine-made synthetics. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Saturday, July 26, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
Different Types of Synthetic Stones (synthetic diamond jewelry)
There are two main types of synthetic stones based on how they were created. The first is factory-produced synthetic stones. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Basically, these are stones created using the same elements as a natural stone, and fused together under artificial conditions (like superheating and pressure) to make a gemstone in much less time than it would take for one to develop naturally. (synthetic diamond jewelry) These can be churned out at a rapid rate and in very large volumes. (synthetic diamond jewelry) The second type is lab-grown gemstones. (synthetic diamond jewelry) These are a half-way compromise between mass-produced synthetic stones and natural ones. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
The same elements as natural gemstones are again used to create a synthetic one, BUT instead of speed-fusing them, the elements are placed in a lab whose conditions approach that of the natural processes which create natural gemstones. (synthetic diamond jewelry) While the process itself is sped up to make a gem in much less time than nature would, it takes more time to "grow" a gem in a lab than it would under a factory processor. (synthetic diamond jewelry) However, lab grown gems are able to approach the qualities of a natural gem more than a factory-made synthetic one. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Friday, July 25, 2008
synthetic diamond jewelry
When most people think about synthetic gems, the first thing that comes to mind is a misconception that these are "cheap imitations" compared to the real, natural gems that they are patterned after. (synthetic diamond jewelry) However, what most people do not know is that there are many types of man-made or modified natural gems whose quality and appearance can easily rival those of "natural" gemstones while costing much less than their original counterparts.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Defining Natural and Synthetic Stones(synthetic diamond jewelry)
A lot of different terms are used in the gemstone industry today, and you have to know what the terms mean to keep yourself from getting ripped off. (synthetic diamond jewelry) A natural gemstone is, by definition, exactly that - a natural stone mined from a quarry, and the only human intervention regarding it's appearance is to cut and polish it, nothing more. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Natural gemstones of high quality and beauty are the rarest and most expensive types of gemstones. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Treated gemstones, on the other hand, are natural gems which, despite cutting and polishing, would have normally fallen below the standards of high quality natural gems. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
These gems are treated with chemicals and several procedures to enhance their appearance to match higher quality gemstones. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Lastly, there are synthetic gemstones. These are man made gems created completely inside a factory or laboratory. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Synthetic stones are, in chemical composition, exactly like their natural gemstone counterparts. (synthetic diamond jewelry) As a matter of act, they are TOO perfect in appearance, because their physical parameters and composition are made expressly for jewelry purposes. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Determining If Gemstones Are Genuine Or Fake Part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Imitation or fake gemstones can look like the real deal and they are often made of plastic or glass. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Sometimes to add brilliance or to change the stone's color, it is set in a solid back where you can find a foil underneath.(synthetic diamond jewelry) There are also composite, doublet and triplet gemstones that contain a small piece or a slice of a genuine gemstone and combined with a big chunk of an imitation gemstone. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Gemstones that are treated, synthetic or even imitations should not be avoided at all. (synthetic diamond jewelry) What should be avoided is paying a high price or a price equivalent to what normally natural gemstones would cost. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Gemstones are priced according to the law of supply and demand in a very similar manner to other industries. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
When buying gemstones, there are important shopping tips. (synthetic diamond jewelry) You should only buy from a jeweler or a company that is trusted especially if you intend to purchase natural gemstones. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Before paying for an expensive gemstone, always ask for verification from an independent and respected laboratory. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Look at jewelry carefully, research and read sources. (synthetic diamond jewelry) You cannot become an expert overnight but through time you will become a savvy gemstone shopper. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Determining If Gemstones Are Genuine Or Fake (synthetic diamond jewelry)
When you shop for gemstone jewelry, it can be quite confusing not only because of the varying prices but also because of confusing jewelry ads that label gemstones to be genuine, natural, treated, simulated or synthetic.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Gemstones that are natural are given by nature and have not been interfered by human hands. (synthetic diamond jewelry) These may have been cut or polished when set on your jewelry but have not in any way been altered or treated.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Gemstones that are genuine are the real thing but then are no longer considered natural because they have been treated to enhance their appearance. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Because of enhancement, jewelry manufacturers are given the opportunity to improve the stones' looks that customers wouldn't have considered to purchase in the first place when in its natural state. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Gemstones that are synthetic possess the natural stone's optical, physical and chemical qualities as well as having the same composition with its natural equivalent. (synthetic diamond jewelry) The difference is that it is created in a laboratory. Majority, if not all popular gemstones have their synthetic versions. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Modern synthetic gemstones look so natural that they are difficult to identify. Gemologist and expert jewelers though would be able to tell the difference. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Synthetic gemstones don't come cheap but they definitely cost less than natural gemstones of a similar quality.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
How To Clean Your Fine Diamond Jewelry With These Easy Tips (synthetic diamond jewelry)
If your diamond jewelry needs a strong cleansing, you can soak your pieces in a solution containing water and ammonia for at least 30 minutes. (synthetic diamond jewelry) After 30 minutes, you can now use your brush to brush the mountings away. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Then place your pieces back to the solution of mild detergent and warm water, and swish them around in it. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Lastly, remove them to rinse and pat dry.
If you find it troublesome or simply do not have the time to mix the cleansing solution, you can visit many department stores which sell liquid jewelry cleaners. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Before you buy any of the cleaners, be sure to read the labels to determine the one that is right for your diamonds and other jewelry. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Read all the instructions carefully and follow all the precautions stated. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
If you are a techy person, there are multiple ultrasonic cleansers on the markets for you to use and clean your diamond jewelry. (synthetic diamond jewelry) These machines use high-frequency to create a cleaning motion and you will be sure that your diamond jewelry will emerge brilliant once again. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
There are different ways to clean your diamond jewelry, and only you can choose the right method for yourself. (synthetic diamond jewelry) It is essential to keep your jewelry clean so as to preserve its brilliance and clarity. (synthetic diamond jewelry) One last thing to note is that after you have clean your diamonds, be sure not to touch your clean diamonds with your fingers. This will help maintain its clarity and brilliance for longer periods of time. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
How To Clean Your Fine Diamond Jewelry With These Easy Tips (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Diamond jewelry get smudged and soiled easily when you wear them daily. When you are not wearing and put them on your dressing table, they will collect dust. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Soaps, lotion and natural skin oil can inhibit their brilliance and cause them to lose the attractiveness that they used to have in the past when you just bought them.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Therefore, it is very important for you to know how to keep the brilliance and shine of your fine diamond jewelry. (synthetic diamond jewelry) To preserve its brilliance, diamonds require cleaning time to time, so that maximum amount of light can refract their brilliance. (synthetic diamond jewelry) With few minutes every day, you will be able keep the brilliance of your diamond jewelry as fiery as the first day when you first bought it. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
To clean your diamond jewelry, you can use a small and soft brush to do it. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Prepare a bowl of warm water with mild detergent and place your diamond jewelry inside it. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Then brush the diamonds while they are in the solution. After brushing it, remember to them clear of the detergent and use a small kitchen strainer such as a tea strainer to contain them while rinsing under warm water. (synthetic diamond jewelry) After rinsing it clean from detergent, use a clean cloth to pat them dry. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Imitation Diamonds – What\'s To Love About Faux Diamond Jewelry? Part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No secret mined diamond dirty tricks and scams: All mined diamonds have flaws, birthmarks, and vary in quality. (synthetic diamond jewelry) These realities are a breeding ground for a buffet mined diamond fraud that victimizes and robs consumers. (synthetic diamond jewelry) From grade bumping to laser drilling to fracture filling, the mined diamond industry is awash in unscrupulous business practices. Lab-created diamonds are uniform, flawless, and priced low so frauds simply do not exist. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No supporting the diamond cartel: It all starts at the top with the De Beers diamond cartel, which would run afoul of federal anti-trust laws if headquartered in the united states. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Diamonds are in fact cheap to produce and would be lower in price if it weren’t for the global cartel. Its aim is to maintain a strong monopoly position, an objective which it has successfully achieved for decades. (synthetic diamond jewelry) In controlling the mined diamond market, De Beers has exploited a relatively simple idea: put a stranglehold on production, hold inventory, and limit distribution, thereby keeping prices stratospheric, and making diamond alternative engagement rings a popular choice. (synthetic diamond jewelry) What makes De Beers so special is its execution. Over the past 60 years the cartel has done for mined diamonds something that eluded the oil producers of OPEC and even the cocaine barons of the Medellin cartel. (synthetic diamond jewelry) De Beers has the muscle and the nerve to impose its own order on the market and has built a dominate juggernaut syndicate. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No “slave” or child labor used: Diamond mining operations are rife with horrific conditions and have a long history of dehumanizing humiliating practices. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Debt slavery and child labor is common in diamond cutting operations in India, where much of the world’s diamonds are cut and polished. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No conflict stones: It is no secret that from the beginning of the modern mined diamond industry in the 1800s through today that mined diamonds are used to support regional wars, help fund murder on a grand scale, and contribute to genocide. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Imitation diamonds are created in a lab by technicians at a reasonably low cost and, therefore, cannot possibly be used as a currency for human misery. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Prestige: While there is no prestige in overpaying, there is tremendous prestige in enhancing your existing wardrobe with beautiful man made diamonds on a budget. (synthetic diamond jewelry) You can accessorize and glamorize till your heart’s content, with a smile on your face , showing you are a person of stature at any occasion or event. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Imitation Diamonds – What\'s To Love About Faux Diamond Jewelry? (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Breakthrough scientific advances in gem materials to matching, often besting, the characteristics of a mined diamonds have resulted in a boon to beleaguered jewelry lovers.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Affordable: Once someone discovers imitation diamonds, it is inconceivable why they would not want everlasting elegance, saving thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars in the process, banking the difference. (synthetic diamond jewelry) It is a fact that jewelry lovers are not acting out of charity when they buy diamond jewelry—endeavoring to make jewelers, mined diamond dealers, and the diamond cartel richer than they already are. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No way to tell the difference with the naked eye: Scientists have synthesized and created diamond alternatives that are so ostensibly close to a mined diamonds that even certified gemologists require scientific testing equipment to tell the difference. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Breakthrough advances have made the latest faux diamonds closely mimic the properties of mined diamonds. They cut glass, they refract light into perfect hearts-and-arrows, and they have superlative fire and brilliance. (synthetic diamond jewelry) In fact, in almost all measurable variations, they match or are superior to mined diamonds. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No pricing gymnastics: A common practice in retailing mined diamond jewelry is to use phantom prices and then show impressive discounts in an effort to lure buyers. (synthetic diamond jewelry) This practice is called phantom pricing. With lab-created diamonds this deception is not possible because the prices are low to begin with, leaving no room to use phantom pricing. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No reason to constantly police your synthetic diamond jewelry: Do you forever want worry that you will lose expensive jewelry pieces, damage them, or have them stolen? (synthetic diamond jewelry) Do you want to feel compelled to buy a home safe? When you travel, do you want to be burdened with frequently thinking about the security of your jewelry? With imitation diamonds all these concerns disappear. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No need to buy insurance: (synthetic diamond jewelry) In a short time, what you’d pay in extra premiums to insure just a few pieces of mined diamond jewelry, you could fill your jewelry box with synthetic diamonds. But that is not the worst of it. Insurance is an ongoing never-ending expense. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Friday, July 11, 2008
Beware Of These Diamond Scams part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Some truly unscrupulous jewelers target those who want appraisals on diamonds that were given to them as gifts or that were purchased elsewhere. (synthetic diamond jewelry) They will try to tell you that the diamond is worthless, or worth less than it actually is worth - and offer to take it off your hands or trade it for a much better diamond, along with the cash to make up the difference. (synthetic diamond jewelry) This is called low balling. Get a second, third, and even a forth opinion before taking any action. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Another common dirty trick is to switch the diamond you have chosen and paid for with one of lesser quality and value when you leave it to be set in a piece of jewelry, or leave a diamond ring to be sized. (synthetic diamond jewelry) The only way to avoid this is to do business with one trustworthy jeweler. Avoid jewelers that you have not done business with in the past. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
There are many more scams that jewelry stores commonly pull on unsuspecting consumers. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Just use your best judgment, and purchase your diamonds with the utmost care and consideration.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Beware Of These Diamond Scams (synthetic diamond jewelry)
When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous scams to avoid. (synthetic diamond jewelry)Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling of diamonds. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Scams occur simply because most people who buy diamonds - for whatever reasons - don't know that much about diamonds. Therefore, they are easily fooled. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
A common scam that most jewelry stores participate in is the Carat Total Weight scam. (synthetic diamond jewelry) The tag on the piece of jewelry, usually a ring, only states the total carat weight of all diamonds in the piece, instead of listing the total weights separately for each diamond. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
This leads consumers to believe that the main diamond in the piece is actually bigger than it is. Ask what the total carat weight of the center stone is. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Also beware of fractions. Jewelry stores are allowed to round off diamond weights. This means that if the jeweler tells you that it is a ¾ carat diamond, it is probably between ½ and ¾ carat - but closer to ¾. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Jewelry stores often run 'fluorescence' scams to varying degrees. Referring to a diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a scam. (synthetic diamond jewelry) A blue-white diamond sounds very unique and special, but in fact, this type of diamond is of lesser quality - even though the jeweler will try to make you think you are getting something special. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Jewelry stores also like to show their diamonds in bright lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask to see the diamond in a different, darker type of lighting as well.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fine Diamond Jewelry - How To Select The Right Diamond Jewelry Part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
3. Clarity. Clarity refers to the number and size of inner flaws during the diamond formation process. A diamond which is clear creates more brilliance and thus will be priced higher. If you want to judge the clarity of a diamond, it is best to hand it to a professional diamond grader. If it has no internal imperfections visible using 10 power magnification, it shows that it has a good clarity. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
4. Carat. Carat refers to the weight of a diamond and one carat is equal to 200 milligrams. It is a common measure used by all diamond purchasers and lovers. A carat is divided into 100 segment points. For example, a 150 segment points would equal to one and a half carat. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Before you purchase any diamond jewelry, you need to ask lots of questions and clear any doubts that you are having. (synthetic diamond jewelry) By getting the answers needed, you will be able to make an informed purchase. (synthetic diamond jewelry) By knowing the four Cs, you are now more informed to compare prices between shops and select the one that you like at a fair price. Take your time to shop around and just remember not to buy impulsively. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Fine Diamond Jewelry - How To Select The Right Diamond Jewelry Part 1 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
To select the right diamond jewelry, you need to obtain the diamond grading certification by laboratories. (synthetic diamond jewelry)Before you make the purchase, it is essential for you to understand the following criteria so as to prevent yourself from being scammed.
Known as the four Cs, these criteria are color, cut, clarity and carat. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
1. Color. When we talk about color of a diamond, it is the result of the composition of a diamond. (synthetic diamond jewelry)A colorless diamond is popularly preferred by most people as they allow maximum light to pass through which will result in great sparkle. Other popular colors are purple, black, and red.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
2. Cut. Cut is the most important of the four Cs. It refers to a diamond's reflective quality. The brilliance is usually depends on the cut of it because the different angles and the finish of it determines its ability to reflect light which results in fiery brilliance.(synthetic diamond jewelry) A diamond which has a good cut tend to last longer when compared to one with cutting faults which makes it prone to breakage. Lastly, a diamond which is cut too thin may also tend to leak light out of the back. This will cause it to lose some of its brilliance, and appear not to shine. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Diamond or Cubic Zirconia: Knowing the difference can save you money! Part 3 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Remember, it is a 50/50 guess to identify a gem by visual inspection; it is not a scientific method of authentication. That is why even certified and degreed gemologists use gemological equipment for testing and verification. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
You will also be glad to know that CZs are not only durable and inexpensive, but just like diamonds (synthetic diamond jewelry) , they come in any color of the rainbow, making them even more desirable.
There have been many instances to see if jewelers can tell the difference between diamond and cubic zirconia, just by examining the gems with the naked eye. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Over and over again, it was inconclusive; jewelers could not tell the difference just by looking at the gems. So you can now understand why the difference between diamond and cubic
(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Diamond or Cubic Zirconia: Knowing the difference can save you money! part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Also, under close inspection with a loupe, the facet shapes of some CZs appear different from diamonds. Both gems disperse light a little differently. (synthetic diamond jewelry) Dispersion is just a scientific term for the breaking up of light into its spectral colors. With a dispersive power greater than diamond (0.060 vs. 0.044), the more prismatic fire of CZ can be seen by even an untrained eye. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Dispersion occurs based on the gem’s refractive index. In this case, refractive index simply indicates how much a beam of light will bend, based on the direction in which it is traveling when it passes between two materials of different optical densities (such as between diamond and air; or between CZ and air). (synthetic diamond jewelry) Being that CZ has a refractive index of 2.176, compared to a diamond's 2.417, diamonds are therefore said to be brighter than CZ.
(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Diamond or Cubic Zirconia: Knowing the difference can save you money! (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Furthermore, glass (or sand) is rated approximately 5 to 6 on the hardness scale, therefore, dust and dirt will not scratch CZ. Indeed, CZ can scratch glass just like regular diamonds, making it more resistant to chipping. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) One great difference between diamond and CZ is weight . CZs are heavyweights in comparison to diamonds; a CZ will weigh approximately 1.75 times more than a diamond of equivalent size. So basically, a piece of CZ the same size as a one-carat diamond weighs about 1.75 carats. Well…isn’t that interesting? (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Contemporary production of CZ is virtually flawless, whereas diamond usually contains impurities and inclusions, or have some sort of defect, be it a feather, included crystal, or perhaps a remnant of an original crystal face (e.g. trigons).
In regards to color—more precisely, the lack of color—only the rarest of diamonds are truly colorless, as most have a tinge of yellow or brown to some extent. By comparison, CZ in most cases can be made entirely colorless, equivalent to a perfect "D" on diamond's color grading scale.
(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Are synthetic diamonds cut by hand? (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Are synthetic diamonds cut by hand? (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry): No, they are cut by incredibly precise computer-controlled laser cutting machines. These sophisticated and enormously expensive machines create an optimized cut that perfectly aligns the facets of the stone for maximum light refraction. The best polycrystalline stones are then hand finished and inspected by master gem cutters. The term “hand-cut diamond” is a bit of a misnomer. In this day and age, few, if any, market quality diamonds are entirely cut by hand without mechanical assistance. Hand cutting was primarily done before the days of precise machining techniques, and a completely hand-cut stone can never be as accurately faceted as a stone cut with computer-aided machining processes.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Gemologists agree that polycrystalline synthetic diamonds are glittering and brilliant because they come closer than any other gem material to matching, often besting the characteristics of a mined diamond.(synthetic diamond jewelry) If there can possibly be criticism about modern synthetic diamonds, it is that they are too perfect. Generally, these remarks are only made by the pretentious who think there is prestige in overpaying, despite the fact only the buyer really knows the difference because of the huge savings they realized. Polycrystalline synthetic diamonds, with more fire, are the intelligent de facto choice.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Synthetic Diamonds - Breakthrough Gem Material Bests Mined Diamonds And Moissanite Part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Can a jeweler tell the difference between a mined natural diamond and a synthetic polycrystalline diamond? (synthetic diamond jewelry)
All mined natural diamonds have structural flaws called inclusions. A competent jeweler under magnification can see that polycrystalline gemstones are perfect and void of birthmarks. That distinction alone should signal to a jeweler that synthetic diamonds are not mined natural diamonds. Most jewelry store counter salespeople, who often call themselves "jewelers," are not professional jewelers or gemologists and cannot tell the difference, and it is for that reason that many jewelry stores invest in scientific testing equipment. When a proficient jeweler in a retail store, not an inexperienced sales clerk, sees a synthetic diamond without birthmarks, he/she should be able to tell the difference without further testing. There are no reports from that anyone can tell the difference without close magnified scrutiny and years of expertise, or scientific testing equipment.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Will polycrystalline synthetic diamonds test positive on a diamond tester, the kind a retail jewelry store would use? (synthetic diamond jewelry)
No, they will not. The heat signature is different and this is reflected when testing by a diamond tester. Diamond testers simply measure heat conductivity; they do not actually detect the presence of carbon. Thus, retail jeweler diamond testers are sometimes fooled by colorless sapphire and Moissanite stones. If you are buying Moissanite at $525 per carat solely because you believe it will test positive on a diamond tester, this is probably an error. You will find that no matter how long or how many times you wear diamond simulant jewelry out in public or out socially, that no one will approach you with scientific testing equipment and ask to test your gemstones.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Synthetic Diamonds - Breakthrough Gem Material Bests Mined Diamonds And Moissanite (synthetic diamond jewelry)
New age diamond simulants have all the look and beauty of genuine diamonds at a ridiculous fraction of the price. It is no wonder that polycrystalline synthetic diamonds (synthetic diamond jewelry) have become a popular choice for savvy Hollywood celebrities and sophisticates looking for an ethical alternative to conflict diamonds, a popular choice when traveling when theft risk is an issue, or wearing them daily because they are, from a practical standpoint, indistinguishable from mined diamonds.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
After you compare costs, coveted mined diamonds can be North of $10,000 per carat and Moissanite is about $525 per carat, it simply makes good sense to consider polycrystalline synthetics as a mined diamond or Moissanite alternative at approximately $79 per carat (synthetic diamond jewelry). Here are some important questions and answers so that you can discover more about 21st century polycrystalline as a diamond-substitute gem material:(synthetic diamond jewelry)
How does the fundamental gem material of a mined diamond compare to a modern polycrystalline gemstone?(synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) Mined diamonds are carbon (C); the most sought after synthetic diamonds are principally polycrystalline. Carbon conducts electricity/heat and polycrystalline does not. Polycrystalline jewels are designed to emulate mined natural diamonds aesthetically. They are not carbons and will not scientifically test as mined natural diamonds. Of the millions who enjoy wearing synthetic diamonds, none have reported being approached when they are out socially by someone admiring their jewelry with scientific testing equipment. Diamond simulants are diamond alternatives that mirror mined diamonds to the naked eye.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
synthetic diamond jewelry
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Diamond Jewelry Store - How Diamond Prices Are Determined Part 2 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
You can also surf the Internet and locate many diamond worth calculators. Before you can calculate the worth of your diamond using those calculators, you need to know the cuts, clarity, colour and weight of it. With this information, the calculator will be able to determine an accurate worth of your diamond. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Again, the best way to determine the price of a diamond is to get a Diamond Grading Report and use the information in it to look up the price in one of the guides that your diamond cutting industry uses. With the right worth in mind, you will be better informed about the value that you have paid for the diamond in your possession, as well as of the diamond jewelry that you are considering purchasing.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Diamond Jewelry Store - How Diamond Prices Are Determined Part1 (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry): When it comes to pricing most products, it is quite simple. By determining how much is the cost price and how much it costs to market the product, and mark the total up by at least 15% to 30% or more to earn profits. Pricing diamonds is not quite as simple as pricing other products. There are many factors that need to be considered before launching them to the market. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry): The first thing that diamond prices are determined is by adding the cost of the rough diamond, the cost of cutting the diamond and all the other cost to turn a rough and unrefined diamond into a marketable diamond. After turning it into a marketable diamond, the company may need to call an independent company in to certify the grade of the diamond based on its weight, clarity, cut and colour.(synthetic diamond jewelry)
(synthetic diamond jewelry) As diamond changes hands, it becomes more expensive. When it reaches the retailers the price is again increased a little bit more. As you can see from here, before a diamond reaches the retailer, it must travel from the mine, to the cutter and polisher, then to the individual grading company, and lastly to the primary market. From the primary market, jewelry store owners and retailers will then purchase the diamond and sell it to the consumers. Therefore, the earlier you can purchase a diamond in the process, the lower the cost of it will be. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Monday, June 16, 2008
History Of Synthetic Diamonds (synthetic diamond jewelry)
As the name implies synthetic diamond jewelry look like real diamonds but do not have the same properties as real diamonds. The ability to determine the differences between chemical compusosition, hardness, weight, and some of the light handling characteristics of real diamonds and synthetic diamond jewelry with the naked eye is extremely difficult. Man-made diamonds are not considered synthetic diamond jewelry because they do have the same properties as real or mined diamonds.
Cut Glass was probably the first material used to simulate a diamond. It is readily available, easy to cut and polish and when seen from a distance, looks good. With all of the information available to today's consumer trying to pass cut glass off as a diamond rarely works. Cut glass is still seen in costume jewelry and in the movies today because of its extremely low cost. The use of cut glass has widely been replaced by the most popular diamond alternative, cubic zirconium.synthetic diamond jewelry
synthetic diamond jewelry: Since 1976 cubic zirconium has been the most widely used material for synthetic diamond jewelry. Its low cost, durability and light handling characteristics have made it extremely attractive in producing low cost jewelry. Cubic zirconium light handling characteristics is so close to that of a diamond that only a trained eye can tell the difference between the two. synthetic diamond jewelry: The annual global production had reached 50 million carats by 1980. Cubic zirconium will weigh about 1.7 times more that a diamond. The hardness rating of cubic zirconium is between 8.5 and 9 whereas diamonds have a hardness rating of 10.synthetic diamond jewelry
synthetic diamond jewelry: Moissanite or silicon carbide was named after Henri Moissan after he discovered the new mineral in fragments of a meteor found near
synthetic diamond jewelry: With the high quality of synthetic diamond jewelry on the market the only way you can be sure that you have a genuine diamond is to have it certified and if you are purchasing a new diamond insist on a certification before purchasing. It will tell you the stone's carat weight, its color and clarity, and its flaws. synthetic diamond jewelry: If the seller is unwilling to supply a certification with the diamond then he may not be telling the truth and you should find someone who will. After all when you want to sell the diamond the new owner will want a certification from you. Here are a few suggestions for testing to see if you are looking at a genuine diamond or a synthetic before you invest in a more conclusive test.
synthetic diamond jewelry: Using your diamond to cut glass to prove that it is hard enough to do so may prove to yourself that it is a diamond but that type of abuse can damage any stone. You could ruin a perfectly pretty piece of jewelry. synthetic diamond jewelry: Another frequently used to test diamonds is called the light test. Shine a black light through the gemstone in question. If a blue light shines though it the diamond could be real.
synthetic diamond jewelry: Careful clean any oil and dirt from the surface of the diamond and then gently blow upon the surface of the stone and if your breath shows for a few seconds after, you have a fake. Genuine diamonds clear up breath almost immediately.
synthetic diamond jewelry
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Synthetic Bridal Jewelry: Excellent Choice At Affordable Price! (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Financially weak bride can also accessorize her bridal gown alternatively with synthetic diamond jewelry. Remember that making a hasty chase while purchasing bridal jewelries will end with doubts. Therefore it will be better if you give yourself enough time to shop around. Do not make it a rule to buy every thing on the same day of marketing because it is very difficult to compromise on certain elements of importance especially wedding jewelry (synthetic diamond jewelry). Take time, visit other shop, and shop another day, contact several dealers that are said to specialize in high-end and low-end bridal accessories. Following the same rule will surely save you a lot from extra expenses and help you to select judiciously giving you full satisfaction. Therefore it is clear that allowing a reasonable space of time to plan, will allow a bride to make wise financial decisions thus avoiding the risk of spending too much money on bridal jewelry and other wedding related items. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Let̢۪s do some research on the (synthetic diamond jewelry) that are designed to resemble diamonds. Rhinestones are (synthetic diamond jewelry) financially affordable generally made of glass but some are also made from crystals. Take care when purchasing selecting bridal jewelry made of rhinestones (synthetic diamond jewelry). Do not go for cheaper because they can mar your bridal outlook. Select your bridal jewelry especially made of rhinestones carefully because some rhinestone materials have brilliance and luminosity, which could be visible in the photograph that appears as a black dot.
Similarly synthetic jewelries (synthetic diamond jewelry) made of Swarovski crystals are known to be the more economical, elegant and stylish choice for modern brides. Unlike rhinestones, Swarovski crystals highly resemble diamonds, in their brilliance and luminosity. For their high resemblance with diamond they have also been worn by, many celebrities down the Red Carpet. You can consult with Swarovski jewelry dealer who can show you much Swarovski jewelry that can be said the twins of diamond (synthetic diamond jewelry). One finds it difficult to differentiate Swarovski jewelry from diamond. They are so alike in brilliance. For better result you can also browse net for bridal jewelry dealers (synthetic diamond jewelry) that specialize in Swarovski crystals. You can also buy online from these online dealers at more affordable prices.
(synthetic diamond jewelry)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Synthetic Diamonds jewelry– Chagrinned When Jewelers Scoff At Fabulous Fake Diamonds
New synthetic diamond jewelry are so close to mined diamonds that the naked eye cannot tell the difference, often saving consumers enough money to make a down-payment on a new home or buy a car. Unfounded diamond jeweler pretentiousness, snootiness, and arrogance has gone too far!
My girlfriend has been parading around town with a magnificent 4-carat Round Brilliant cut synthetic diamond jewelry set in a stunning 14K solid gold filigree solitaire ring setting for a year now. She has been to restaurants, work, shopping, night clubs, museums, and parties. Family and friends have scrutinized her ring. She has been stopped repeatedly by others who were dumbfounded by her ring. Hundreds of people have seen her ring, astonished by its majesty, gushing about it. And despite its ostentatious size, no one has asked if it is a fake diamond! (synthetic diamond jewelry)
How could this be? The latest breakthrough science in lab-created diamonds has brought them in line with mined diamonds. Long gone is the aurora borealis or "disco ball" effect that was seen in synthetic diamond jewelry of the past decades. New millennium synthetic diamond jewelry—with similar hardness, clarity, fire, and brilliance—are indistinguishable with the naked eye and simply don't look fake. High quality synthetic diamond jewelry even have the coveted hearts-and-arrows effect.
This begs the question: If one were to saunter into a jewelry store with a synthetic diamond jewelry, can a jeweler tell the difference? Since all mined diamonds have color disparities (flaws), birthmarks (flaws), and inclusions (flaws), and lab-created diamonds have none of the above, a trained eye can tell the difference. A sneering glance under a loupe or even under discriminating examination with a magnifying glass, a jeweler will often proudly declare a synthetic diamond jewelry as a fake. Modern synthetic diamond jewelry are too perfect in the world of jeweler snobbery when pushing over-priced high profit diamonds is the agenda at hand.
With the use of scientific testing equipment, mined diamonds will conduct electricity and synthetic diamond jewelry will not. That is because mined diamonds are a carbon gem material and synthetic diamond jewelry are polycrystalline. A thermal probe will produce different readings, differentiating the two. But does this really matter to a jewelry lover who is interested in aesthetic beauty and saving thousands of dollars? In the year my girlfriend has been showcasing her synthetic diamond jewelry on her finger; no one has walked up to her with scientific equipment asking to test her gemstone.
Why do virtually all brick-and-mortar jewelers carry only mined diamonds? Why do jewelers scoff at synthetic diamond jewelry? You need to look no further than your wallet. A 1-carat high quality mined diamond is about $3000, a 2-carat about $18,000, a 3-carat about $40,000, and a 4-carat goes for about $90,000. Respectively, synthetic diamond jewelry run about $79, $158, $237, and $326. It's about the money. Don't kid yourself.
synthetic diamond jewelry: It's also about indoctrination. For over a century, the diamond cartel has spent billions of dollars convincing the public that jewel quality mined diamonds have intrinsic value like gold. Not true. Why? During this time DeBeers has limited production, bought up supplies from others, stockpiled inventory, and imposed its monopoly position on jewelry manufacturers in the successful effort to keep prices inflated. And to make matters worse, the diamond industry as a whole has a checkered past with conflict stones, debt-slave child labor in India used in cutting operations, and shady techniques used to enhance perceived quality to further squeeze out ridiculous prices from beleaguered jewelry lovers. (synthetic diamond jewelry)
Smart jewelry shoppers today are considering synthetic diamonds as an alternative to mined diamonds for some very savvy reasons: (1) They can acquire fine jewelry pieces set in solid 14K gold. (2) They will save literally thousands of dollars. (3) There is no need to buy insurance. (4) When wearing there synthetic diamond jewelry nobody will know that they are not mined diamonds unless they tell them!